English for Adults in Eritrea: Perspectives and Practices in Second Language Textbook Preparation


  • Yonas Mesfun Asfaha College of Arts and Sciences, Eritrea




This paper outlines the process of preparing English for Adults, a set of teaching materials for adult literacy and post-literacy programmes in Eritrea. These programmes are taught in a number of local languages: the country supports the use of its nine native languages in education and English is offered as a subject for adult learners. In preparing these teaching materials, communicative approaches to second language learning and adult learner-centred instruction strategies were adopted with some elements of the traditional, grammar-based teaching methods incorporated. The project involved the entire staff of the Department of Adult Education and Media (DAEM), Eritrea’s main provider of adult education programmes, and facilitators from adult learning centres in the country. The paper sets out the methodologies employed for undertaking this task in a relatively short timescale and the challenges faced in reconciling the different approaches to English language teaching.




Comment citer

Asfaha, Y. M. (2015). English for Adults in Eritrea: Perspectives and Practices in Second Language Textbook Preparation. LESLLA Symposium Proceedings, 10(1), 187–198. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8024421