Research on simultaneous second language and literacy acquisition in adults

A scoping review of the LESLLA symposium proceedings


Parole chiave:

research trends, scoping review, LESLLA research, The Douglas Fir Group transdisciplinary framework for SLA


This article provides a thematic content analysis of papers published in the LESLLA Symposium Proceedings from 2005 to 2019, with the aim to provide an overview of the trends in research topics since the establishment of the network as well as to identify gaps in knowledge and opportunities for future research. Through a scoping review, the LESLLA proceedings articles (N=186) are categorized in line with the micro, meso, and macro levels of the transdisciplinary framework to the multifaceted nature of language learning and teaching, developed by the Douglas Fir Group  (2016). The review reveals a lack of attention to factors at the DFG framework’s macro level, i.e. the ideological and political conditions for language learning in research on LESLLA learners. While micro level factors were dominant in the early years, particularly cognitive aspects of language and literacy acquisition, research on DFG meso level processes have gained ground over the last 15 years. The authors suggest that future research should strive to maintain and further research at the micro and meso levels, while also considering the institutional and ideological factors that influence language and literacy acquisition.





Come citare

Nordanger, M., Carlsen, C. H., & Bugge, E. (2024). Research on simultaneous second language and literacy acquisition in adults: A scoping review of the LESLLA symposium proceedings. LESLLA Symposium Proceedings, 19(1). Recuperato da