What is Happening to Specialist Provision for LESLLA Learners in the UK and Why Does this Matter?


  • Anne Cowie Senior Lecturer Post Compulsory Education and Training Canterbury Christ Church University, UK


LESLLA learners, ESOL literacy provision, Pre-entry learners


At a time of large reductions in ESOL provision across England as a result of reduced funding, the learning needs of LESLLA learners seem to be getting largely overlooked. England lacks a national strategy for ESOL and this seems to have contributed to a rather piecemeal approach to provision, with providers concentrating on students who achieve their outcomes and therefore bring in funding, rather than on the needs of local learners. This small-scale study investigates the current state of provision in a number of institutions, using questionnaires to providers and interviews with teachers, to determine how this group of learners are being provided for in the climate of austerity. It then makes the case for specialist provision for LESLLA learners.




Como Citar

Cowie, A. (2021). What is Happening to Specialist Provision for LESLLA Learners in the UK and Why Does this Matter?. LESLLA Symposium Proceedings, 14(1), 411–427. Recuperado de https://lesllasp.journals.publicknowledgeproject.org/index.php/lesllasp/article/view/6268