Ich-will-Deutsch-lernen.de: a Learning Portal for Second Language and Literacy Acquisition in Heterogeneous Classes


  • Celia Sokolowsky Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband, Bonn, Germany




Ich-will-deutsch-lernen.de (I want to learn German) is the name of a new learning portal developed by Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband e.V. (German Adult Education Association), which was launched in August 2013. The platform provides a digital German course for low- and non-literates that can be used in heterogeneous classes and by independent learners alike. An innovative feature of ich-will-deutsch-lernen.de is the combined teaching of oral and written skills that can be adapted to the individual needs of learners. This article argues why there is a need for this kind of material, introduces the concept of the portal and shows actual examples of the material that learners use.




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Sokolowsky, C. (2015). Ich-will-Deutsch-lernen.de: a Learning Portal for Second Language and Literacy Acquisition in Heterogeneous Classes. LESLLA Symposium Proceedings, 10(1), 319–334. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8025162